Dedicated to the Study of the Cicadas of Massachusetts and New England


Cicada Sightings Index Page

Below are all user-submitted cicada sightings. If you believe that you have spotted a cicada - and have a photograph, please click on the link in the right-hand navigation under the "Submit Report" section. Cicada sightings are being solicated because they help in filling in gaps in the distribution of cicadas species.

Please note that not all entries below are actual cicadas but rather other types of insects that users thought may have been cicadas. These mis-identifications are just as important because they help in educating you to identify actual cicadas as well as aiding in identifying what the actual insect is.

Every entry contains a comment from Massachusetts Cicadas. When you submit a sighting you can either comment back or simply return for the identification of your particular cicada or non-cicada insect.

Tibicen canicularis from Augusta, ME

Tibicen canicularis in Augusta, ME

This morning 7/23/2011, I was walking my dog and spotted a Cicada on my lawn. I have lived in Maine
Date Posted: 2011-07-23 Comments: (3)
Tibicen pruinosus from Taylorville, IL

Tibicen pruinosus in Taylorville, IL

found this very small T pruinosus on the (21st) please correct the last sighting of Trobinsonia/ aul
Date Posted: 2011-07-23 Comments: (8)
Tibicen lyricen from O'Fallon MO

Tibicen lyricen sighting in O'Fallon, MO

I believe this is a Tibicen lyricen, but I don't know for sure as this is the first time I have
Date Posted: 2011-07-22 Comments: (4)
Tibicen robinsonianus from Litchfield, IL

Tibicen robinsonianus in Litchfield, Il

found a whole group of T.robinsonianus in a small area in conifers in litchfeilds graveyard. its od
Date Posted: 2011-07-22 Comments: (4)
Tibicen pruinosus from Topeka, KS

Tibicen pruinosus in Topeka, KS

There really isn't a need to post this but since I have them I might as well do so. These two are Ti
Date Posted: 2011-07-22 Comments: (3)
Tibicen auletes in Richmond, VA

Tibicen auletes in Richmond, VA

We have 3 feral cats that live on our back porch. They seem to think these are delicacies! My wife
Date Posted: 2011-07-21 Comments: (1)
Okanagana Cicada in Sacramento, CA

Okanagana Cicada in Sacramento, CA

I found this cicada clinging to my shirt after mowing over a large pile of leaves in my back yard. I
Date Posted: 2011-07-20 Comments: (5)
Tibicen lyricen in Topeka, KS

Tibicen lyricen in Topeka, KS

was on a cicada hunt and have been hearing many species, mostly T. pruinosa(pruinosus), T. lyricen,
Date Posted: 2011-07-20 Comments: (1)

Submit a Report

Did you spot an annual cicada or a cicada killer wasp? If you did and you have a photo and want to report it, please click the link below.

Brood I Information

The Brood I periodical cicada emergence happened in 2012 in Virginia, W. Virginia and Tennessee. Below are some of the highlights.

Brood XIX Information

The Brood XIX periodical cicada emergence has come and gone. Below is some information that you may find helpful.