How To Catch Cicadas
News Category: Cicada How To
How To Catch Cicadas
I have been asked several times how I am able to catch and study so many Cicadas. Well, I tell you, it isn't easy. It takes patience and perseverance. If you lack either then you can forget it because a lot of leg work is involved when catching Cicadas for collections or for study.
In the beginning I tried various methods that didn't pan out well. Since Cicadas in Massachusetts have a tendency to stay very high up in trees, unless I wanted to climb a tree there was no way for me to catch a Cicada. Besides, with my luck, chances are I'd take the time to climb a tree and by the time I got to the cicada, it would no doubt fly off.
So, I had to rethink my strategy and the methods that I employ when hunting and catching Cicadas. But before we get into the nitty-gritty there are some things you should keep in mind first.
Update 3/15/11: Please be aware that only one method of catching cicadas is discussed in this article. Since its writing multiple methods are available to you for catching cicadas which will be discussed in future articles. For now, this article deals with catching cicadas as they emerge from the ground as nymphs and is still a valid method for catching cicadas.
Step 1 - The Tools of the Trade
Remember when you were little and your mother used to tell you "Cleanliness is Next to Godliness?" Well, a similar rule applies when hunting and catching cicadas but its more like "Preparedness is Next to Godliness". Whenever I go out hunting for cicadas there are a few things I take with me on every trip and each are outlined below:
Wide-mouthed Mason Jars - You know those canning jars that are used for preserving peaches and pears and things? They make good jars to put specimens in. I always take two to three jars with me. Inside each jar I put in some sticks for cicadas to perch on. I also poke holes in the supplied covers that come with the mason jars. You should do the same. I prefer the 1 quart canning jars like the ones in the picture to the left. You can get these canning jars at Target or Walmart.
Plastic Tray - These trays can be found at Walmart and are divided into several different compartments. I use these trays just in case I should stumble upon a Cicada nymph that I need to hold for a while before it can molt. These plastic trays are ideal because I have learned through trial and error that a Cicada nymph will not molt if it cannot anchor it's legs. Since the trays are smooth plastic they are not able to anchor so cicada nymphs won't molt. I have been successful in holding Cicada nymphs up to 2 hours before I allowed them to anchor on a stick or something in order to molt.
Warnings about Collecting Cicada Nymphs
- You should keep an eye on the captured nymphs in the tray from time to time. If one is turned on it's back or side, put it on its legs again. Cicadas are not the brightest animals in the forest and will think (when on their back) that they are properly anchored to something and will molt. By putting them back on their legs, you will stop them from molting. You do not want a cicada nymph to molt in the tray, it will damage their fragile wings because they will not be able to expand to their full extent.
- Always keep your cicada nymphs separated from each other. If you don't they will try to latch onto each other and try to molt that way. If this happens it can get very messy. This is why a plastic tray separated into compartments works best.
A Small Note Pad - Whenever I go anywhere, I always take notes as to where I found a particular cicada specimen. I also note whether it is male or female and what species, what kind of object I found it on whether tree, bush or the ground, as well as the date and time I found it. Also I note all my activities down in the note pad. This helps me when I run behind with updating my web site and organizing my data. You can never have too much data.
Repellant - This is essential. Chances are, you'll be hunting and catching cicadas in very hot weather, and usually in high humidity. After a rain fall really brings out the mosquitoes in droves. I use any type of mosquito repellant that has a Deet content of at least 30%. This works great. I spray my entire body, front and back. Then I spray repellant into the palms of my hands and then rub my hands on my face and neck. I also spray my baseball hat which I wear everywhere. Bring mosquito repellant. Trust me you'll thank me for the suggestion.
Flashlights - I like to bring two types of flashlights with me. The type you have to carry in your hand or sometimes when you need both hands free, the type you wear on your head. I actually like to have two as one will be for backup. You can pick these up at any sporting goods store. I especially like the hands free one because quite frankly, it's hands free. When you are collecting specimens, especially at night, its always good to bring a flashlight. Most of the time that is when cicadas emerge though I have been successful in obtaining Cicadas during all times of the day.
Camera - Wherever I go, my camera goes. I always like to take pictures of Cicadas and small movies. Most digital cameras these days offer you a choice of taking straight pictures, movies and sound recordings. I always like to take a few photos of each specimen that I collect just to add the info to the data that I collect in my note pad as above pictures always help support your data. I also like to photograph other insects as well. A good camera with a macro lense works best when taking photographs of small specimens.
Spare Batteries - For your camera and flash lights of course.
Bottled Water - I like to carry around a bottle of water to keep hydrated. By the time you realize it you can walk many miles while looking for cicadas and if its especially humid out, you can sweat quite a lot so it's always good to bring some bottled water with you.
Hand-held GPS (Optional) - Using a hand-held gps is convenient so that you can mark the exact location of where you found your specimen. Later when back home, this information can be added to a collection label and ultimately entered into a database.
A Backpack - What else were you going to carry all the above stuff in? You're arms? I have a backpack with many different pockets and compartments. Some compartments are for the jars and trays, one for the flashlights and all the ancillary stuff mentioned above. Organize your backpack so that you can easily get to everything.
Now that we are prepared and we have all the necessary equipment, it is now time for the nitty-gritty.
Step 2 - Watch and Listen
The first thing you need to do is listen for the calls of male Cicadas. Its the males that actually do the singing and do it to attract a female for mating. The female makes no noise at all. Its pointless to look for Cicadas if you can't hear the males singing in the trees yet. You can expect Cicadas here in Massachusetts to start emerging at the beginning of July then they start calling about a week after that. This is for the Tibicen genus of Cicadas which include Tibicen lyricen and Tibicen canicularis. These two species are what this whole web site is about obviously. These are the only two Tibicen species of Cicadas that I have ever found here in Massachusetts (so far).
Update 3/15/11: - Actually Massachusetts as well as New England has several different species of Tibicen cicadas which have been found after the writing of this article. They are: Tibicen auletes, Tibicen canicularis, Tibicen tibicen, Tibicen lyricen, Tibicen linnei, Okanagana rimosus, Okanagana canadensis and Magicicada septendecim.
If you are like me and want to get industrious, there are two other genus of Cicadas which come out in early to mid June, these are the Okanagana species of Cicadas and include Okanagana rimosa and/or Okanagana canadensis. While I have never found a live specimen, I did find some cast off nymph shells last year and I heard the call of O. canadensis in the Western part of Massachusetts in 2005.
Update 3/15/11: - Okanagana rimosus has been found in several areas in New England and voucher specimens have been collected. You can learn more about the Okanagana species of Cicadas if you click here.
Step 3 - Time to do Some Scouting
Ok, now you have heard cicada males singing for females in the trees so it looks like the cicada season is in full swing. Now it is time to scout around and look for signs of their emergences.
But first, you have a decision to make. Where do you look? Well, that's an easy one. You want to look in areas that are pubic like baseball fields, schools, parks and of course my favorite, cemeteries. Why these and not the woods where there are tons of trees? Well, what you want to look for are signs of their cast-off nymph shells or "exuvia" like the one pictured to the left. Since cicadas will molt anywhere that is convenient, you will be hard pressed to find cicadas on trees in the woods because chances are they will molt under a bush or low ground growth which means you will have to do a lot of bending over in order to search for them. This can get very time consuming and also get you very dizzy and a sore back :).
If you absolutely must go on private property, always ask permission first. I'd hate for something to happen to you just because you didn't ask permission first.
The reason I like parks, cemeteries, schools and the like is because the grounds in these areas are usually well maintained and they are opened to the public. There is little undergrowth to worry about. This limits where a cicada can actually molt which is when you really want to try to catch a cicada. Trying to catch a cicada when it is a fully flying adult would be like doing open-heart surgery with a butter knife, virtually impossible and it's not safe to climb trees.
Since the grounds are maintained in these areas as mentioned above you can concentrate your search for exuvia on trees. Cicada females like to lay their eggs in nice places like this because usually these areas are protected and the trees are usually old and well established. Cemeteries have usually been around for 10s of years and the trees within are usually older so they are your best bet. If you plan to visit a cemetery then you may want to also look on the headstones as well.
Step 4 - Target, Target, Target
Once you find signs of exuvia, it's time to target these areas. Targeting is the key. Always remember where you see the exuvia because your odds will increase that you will be able to come back to these same areas and find cicadas when they are molting. Take notes, that's what the notepad is for!!
When to Search for Cicadas
Now that you have found areas with plenty of exuvia, what you want to do now is try to obtain a cicada when it is in the middle of molting. This is probably the best and only time you will ever be able to see them or catch them. When a Cicada is molting it will look similar to the picture on the left.
The key here is timing. You may have to return to the same areas at different times of the day. I like to go at all times of the day because I have been successful at finding cicada specimens at virtually every time. However, don't get too upset if the first few times you go out you are unsuccessful. I've gone anywhere from 8:00 am in the morning to as late as 1:00 am the following day. Going out in two to three hour intervals. You need to have patience.
When is the Optimum Time to Search?
If I had a choice as to when the best times I would go out to catch cicadas I'd have to say any time after 8:00 pm. Cicadas like the cover of darkness and there are less predators around. Also after rain storms seems to be a good time because Cicada nymphs do not like to be wet and the they will be eager to emerge from the ground. Be sure to bring your flash light and plenty of mosquito repellant if you search at night.
Try to look everywhere you think a cicada might wish to molt. I usually look on the ground to see if I see nymphs crawling after just emerging from underground. I'll usually walk completely around a tree and looking up at least 9 feet or so scanning a tree trunk up and down as I walk around it. Be sure to also check the underside of leaves in low branches. Cicadas love to molt underneath leaves and branches extending from tree trunks.
I Found One!! Now What? - When to Collect Your Specimen
If you happen to spot a cicada in the middle of it's molt process, you'll have to wait until it is completely finished. It is important for you to wait and to not touch the specimen at all while it is molting or you will damage it! Depending upon what point in the molting process you find the molting cicada in will depend on how long you will have to wait for it to finish.
Be prepared to wait on average for about an hour. During this time, you can perhaps walk around to try to find other cicadas molting or you can snap pictures or take notes in your notebook, it is up to you.
For reference, in the Cicadas 101 section of this web site there is information on the entire Cicada molting process for viewing. Just memorize the images on this page in order to know exactly at what stage the molting cicada you found is at.
There is only one point at which it is safe to handle a newly emerged cicada. Don't worry it's not whether or not they bite but actually when they are the easiest to handle so as not to damage them. During the first few hours after molting, the cicada is in what is known as the "teneral" stage. That is, it is actually soft and pink and green and may feel actually kind of wet. Not to worry though, since Cicadas are arthropods and all arthropods molt at one time or another, this is normal. Your specimen over the next 24 hours will harden and turn darker in color.
The picture to the left shows how a cicada looks after it has completed its molting process. See how the wings are folded "roof like" over it's body? This is when it is safe to pick up. However, there is a method to employ when picking up a cicada. You must be very careful not to touch the wings as they are even more fragile than tissue paper and you risk damaging their wings if you so much as touch them the slightest bit especially the wing tips so be very careful.
Gently grab the cicada with thumb and forefinger at the point where the wing hinges are which are located behind the big black eyes. This is the safest place to touch them when they are still teneral. The picture to the right demonstrates the proper method to pick up a newly molted cicada teneral. See how in the picture I am avoiding the wings at all costs? You must do the same.
Now all you have to do is gently place your cicada in one of your mason jars with the sticks as described above. Be careful not to bang the wings when placing it in the jar on the stick! It will happily find a spot on the stick to hang off of to completely harden. Tomorrow you will be able to handle your specimen a lot easier because it won't be as fragile. You can put up to three different specimens in the same jar any more than that and it might get too crowded.
Do not leave the jar in direct sunlight or where the heat can build up within the jar. This will be very bad. Some times when you pick up a cicada it may pee. Don't be alarmed, it probably pees because it is frightened. But this moisture is very important to a cicada and if it cannot replace what it has expelled soon, it may die especially in a high heat area. The Mason Jars are only a temporary storage device. What I do is transfer my specimens to a terrarium that has plenty of plants in glass jars with water. The cicadas will eventually feed on these plants.
In Closing
Most people go through their lives never being able to find a cicada while it is molting as it is considered quite rare but if you follow the above steps, then you shouldn't have a problem and consider yourself lucky to be one of the few to witness this great event. It just takes patience and perseverance. You never know, if you're like me you'll meet some interesting people in your travels and even make new friends.
If I think of anything else to add or if you would like to ask questions then please feel free to contact me using the Contact Me link above and to the left.
If you have comments or questions regarding this article please but them in the comments form below. We will get back to you. Good luck catching Cicadas of your own.
Date Posted: 2010-06-01 Comments: (65) Show CommentsHide Comments
Posted By: jdawg | On: 2011-06-07 | Website:
Hey i live in noth georgia i need help on what speicies live here and when they come out. if there is a such a web site that would help, what is it?
Posted By: Massachusetts Cicadas | On: 2011-06-07 | Website:
Hi jdawg,
Georgia actually has a wide variety of species of cicadas. If you can be a bit more specific as to what you need the information for, I can probably provide it to you or direct you to the right resources.
Posted By: john | On: 2011-07-11 | Website:
hi i live in pennsylvania and i always see them in trees they are all different colors.BUT i still cant catch them.I have a piece of wood i stand on and throw sticks at them but they always fly away.The only time i caught one was when i was flying my private jet and it hit the windshield.please help me.
Posted By: Massachusetts Cicadas | On: 2011-07-11 | Website:
Hi John,
Thanks for the message. Your best bet is to read the article for which you posted your comment to. You can get cicadas as nymphs and tenerals if you just read the article.
Also, you might try to catch cicadas at lights at night. Drive around to gas stations and behind shopping plazas especially where woods border these buildings. On hot sticky humid nights, cicadas readily come to lights.
Posted By: Turdfergison | On: 2011-07-20 | Website:
I've seen the whole process a ton of times! It's awesome !
Posted By: Aly | On: 2011-07-29 | Website:
I found a molt on the ground and I dont see any cicadas.Also, can cicadas play dead? I found one in my pool and i kapt it in a box and then it was alive later!
Posted By: Massachusetts Cicadas | On: 2011-07-29 | Website:
Hi Aly,
Typically by the time you find a cicada molt the actual cicada is usually long gone and the molt is left behind.
Some cicadas do exhibit the "playing dead" behavior. But this seems like a trait not indicative in all species. Below is a link to an article I wrote several years back of a cicada playing dead. There is even a video.
Posted By: Jennifer Anderson | On: 2011-08-30 | Website:
I recently in the last three days have discovered Cicadas :) I was excited as I took my morning walk to finf what I call Nature's Blessings. This was a blessing indeed and very exciting! I took pictures of the little thing as it latched onto my Japanese Magnolia Tree here in Mississippi. I began researching what I had found...and began looking for more...To my surprise I found 12 in our own trees here on our property....but alas...they had already enclosed! Will there be more...should I expect to maybe have a chance to witness this miracle of nature still?
Thank you,
Posted By: Jennifer Anderson | On: 2011-08-30 | Website:
PS>>>When I looked at my photos later, after my research and educational period (smile) I realized I missed an had begun according to the photos and the back had not yet completely split ...I just didn't know what miracle was before me...I really hope I have a chance and that since I know the areas they were in great numbers...maybe more are yet to emerge?
Posted By: Massachusetts Cicadas | On: 2011-08-30 | Website:
Hi Jennifer,
Probably the best time for you to look for emerging cicadas would be starting at 8:00pm at night. Simply go around with a flash light and look closely at the trees.
However doing one scan may not be enough, you may have to go out every hour until you find a nymph emerging.
Sometimes though, depending upon species, you can possibly find cicadas emerging during the day. Species like Tibicen davisi comes to mind and in the late afternoons Tibicen auletes. The whole key to this process is patience. If you happen to find one be sure to take photos and report your sighting by clicking on the Report a cicada or cicada killer wasp link in the right-hand column towards the top.
Good Luck!
Posted By: paul sperinck | On: 2011-12-24 | Website:
Hi,do you sell insects?
Posted By: Massachusetts Cicadas | On: 2011-12-26 | Website:
Hi Paul,
No we do not sell insects.
Posted By: paul sperinck | On: 2011-12-29 | Website:
Alright thankyou anyway.I've heard that you can attract cicada adults with mercury vapour lights at night with a white sheet.I have started collecting cicadas,dried pinned specimens from around the World.I am looking for people ton exchange species with,or buy from.
Posted By: Lynne | On: 2012-01-12 | Website:
Hello. We r in holidays at hat head camping grounds and hv cicadas molting often around our tents. We got one this morning but unfort my son accidentally injured its wing so we have it here wth us do the birds can't eat it. We had a question that you may b able to answer - how long do they actually live for and what do we do now that the poor thi g has only one wing?? Thanks :)
Posted By: Massachusetts Cicadas | On: 2012-01-12 | Website:
Hi Lynne,
Where are you camping? Full adult cicadas do not live very long. Probably around six weeks. This time is usually lessened with being held in captivity.
I would suggest you let it go and let nature take its course. Unfortunately it will probably fall prey to predators that eat cicadas like birds and snakes and other insects.
You can try to keep it in captivity but it will need fresh-plants to feed on.
Good luck.
Posted By: Michael Novio | On: 2012-07-21 | Website:
Hi i live in Florida, i always come to a hollow cicada nymph, and no matter how early i wake up to go to the woods, i never see a live cicada nymph, i search all day and all night! can you please help me?
Posted By: Massachusetts Cicadas | On: 2012-07-23 | Website:
Hi Michael,
I think it is time to change your tactics a little bit. Only try going at dusk. Around 8:00 pm, the best time is probably from 9 to 10 pm.
Target only those trees where you have seen the hollowed-out shells in previous visits. Those trees may have more nymphs waiting to emerge.
Finally, you can always try lights. Try to go to gas stations or retail parking lots that are surrounded by woods. Anywhere where there are bright lights at night. Those work best. Look behind retail stores on the walls underneath lights or on the streets under street lights.
Good luck!
Posted By: Hèctor | On: 2012-07-23 | Website:
Woah! Such a complete how-to guide! Thank you very much, I'm from Spain and I love insects, but never been able to catch a cicada, I've been trying this month and it's so frustrating... I here them everywhere but haven't seen one yet! I've been looking for adults in small trees or isolated ones but when I come close enough they stop singing and then there's no way I find them again. I have to do an insectary this summer and I would really like to catch a nice cicada.
Thank you again!
Posted By: Kitty | On: 2013-05-06 | Website: NA
every summer for a couple of years when i get home from work around midnight i find an emerging cicada in almost the exact same spot right next to my door.i usualy take pictures and keep an eye on the lil bugger and its just fascinateing to watch their balled up wings become sheets.however i never catch them i just let them be. amazeing creatures these cicadas.
Posted By: dan | On: 2013-05-10 | Website:
I'm interested in using live cicadas as bait for fishing. Do you have any experience with this? I plan on storing them in a pop up mesh container while alive. I've also heard that they can be frozen and used later. Do you know the best way to put one on a hook?
Posted By: Massachusetts Cicadas | On: 2013-05-10 | Website:
Hi Dan
Thanks for the question. Actually you are in luck this year. Starting around end of may, Connecticut will be experiencing the Brood II periodical cicada emergence. This will give you ample opportunity, should you choose to make the trip to Connecticut to gather an ample supply because there will be millions of them everywhere and all you have to do is walk around an pick them up.
Storing them in a pop up mesh back is a good idea just as long as you provide them with fresh tree branches in which to feed. What I used to do is make a mesh bag and hang it over the edge of a tree branch in my yard to let the cicadas feed. In that way I didn't have to swap out the branches every one or two days. Note, the branches must be live and fresh.
I wouldn't store them in the freezer because the deep freeze will kill them, but if you want to keep them alive, store them in the refrigerator.
As far as hooking them, I've never fished with them but fish do like them. You will have to practice on your own to figure out the best method.
Hope this helps and thanks for the question.
Posted By: kitty | On: 2013-05-11 | Website:
i live on eastern long island and was wondering if the Brood II periodical cicada emergenc will be comeing to my parts?
Posted By: Massachusetts Cicadas | On: 2013-05-12 | Website:
Hi Kitty,
Yes, we have been receiving isolated reports of periodical cicadas from Brood II on Long Island. Their exact location is escaping me right now but I will report back with the exact locations. It may mean that you will have to make a trip but it shouldn't be a problem.
Posted By: Turdferguson | On: 2013-05-12 | Website:
Any magicicadas in southcentral Pennsylvania?
Posted By: monsterbon | On: 2013-06-03 | Website:
i live in new York and I want to catch some Cicada's where can I find them and what is a good time?
Posted By: Kris Kientz | On: 2013-07-14 | Website:
My four year old daughter is fascinated with cicada's but i have only caught them by being an opportunist.We found this website and since it rained last night we decided to go looking. First tree we came to had a nymph crawling up it. My daughter is thrilled.Great information. You made my daughters night and mine.Thank you.
Kris and Callie kientz
Clay Center , Kansas
Posted By: Jennifer Anderson-Bounds | On: 2013-07-14 | Website:
I was very fortunate, following a recent move, to be able to witness the cicadas as it emerged and got to photograph the beautiful emergence. I was patient, and felt very blessed. Thank you, for your advice as it worked! you can find the photo on my FB page:
It was awesome, and although we didn't move to Massachusettes, I discovered this beauty in the morning hours crawling up the screen tent I place around my above ground pool...In Arkansas. :)
Posted By: Christina Silva | On: 2013-07-23 | Website:
I saw a brown cicada in the oak tree above me. I wasn't sure if it was a cicada and wanted to catch it. If I had a long handled net I am sure I would have caught it as it seemed very clumsy in its flying and liked to perch on the branch. It blended nicely with the branch due to its natural camouflage. After finding your site I can definitely say I did see a cicada. 7/24/2013.
Posted By: michelle | On: 2013-08-08 | Website:
my now 5 yr old daughter has something like autism, n she catches cicadas, and ALL bugs with such an ease, is extraordinary. We live in west central ohio n we have caught nymphs, molting cicadas,n she also catches adult males, as they "scream" @ us n vibrate so furiously. its like she knows just how to catch and hold them!Since she was 2 she got interested in bugs as more than a food source...she used to eat bugs...but she does it with such ease we didn't realize they were considered hard to catch! we have 1 now, waiting for it to molt. how long from the time the nymphs come out the ground, til the time they approx. molt?! thanx
Posted By: Massachusetts Cicadas | On: 2013-08-08 | Website:
HI Michelle,
Thanks for your message. Generally what you do is to take the cicada and not handle it too much. Put it on a dead branch inside a jar or some other clear container.
Generally speaking, it take a little bit to settle down, no more than 1/2 hour to an hour though sometimes I've had nymphs not molt til the next day.
It just takes patience. Good luck!
Posted By: Yergaderga | On: 2013-08-12 | Website:
I have caught 15 cicadas. They really need to stop flying onto the electric fence, because then I can't catch them. They like to hide in small trees at eye level and scare the crap out of me.
Posted By: Massachusetts Cicadas | On: 2013-08-12 | Website:
Hi Yergaderga,
That's interesting that you are seeing them on your electric fence. I wonder, does your fence give off a low or high freqency "buzz"? I am wondering if certain species of female cicadas are being attracted to the buzzing.
Posted By: Yergaderga | On: 2013-08-22 | Website:
Actually, it's my neighbors' fence, but yes, the electric fence's discharges are audible, it's more like a clicking, though, it is a higher frequency. I have caught only female tibicen tibicen on it, I think. I'm up to twenty five or twenty six catches now. One I let molt in my tomatoes, and released it the next day. It flew into a spider web, but I rescued it. They're funny things.
Posted By: Yergaderga | On: 2013-08-22 | Website:
Oh, also, T. Tibicen are swamp cicadas, right. Swamp cicadas are the mane ones catch here in Pennsylvania.
Posted By: Adam foley | On: 2014-03-24 | Website: None
I am 4.5 and I want to catch a cicada.
My mum found your website with instructions (and I'm writing this email).
We live in Phoenix and have a lot of exuvia on our back wall, anywhere from 10-30 a night in the summer months.
I am very excited to try and catch a live cicada this summer and watch it grow.
Posted By: Cameron | On: 2014-06-28 | Website:
Hi, I live here in New Jersey. When will it be a good time to search for annual cicadas? Some say July-September? Is that right? If so what are the chances of catching one. I have very little patience.
Posted By: Cameron | On: 2014-07-01 | Website:
I live near the woods. How do I know when to search? We don't get many?
Posted By: Massachusetts Cicadas | On: 2014-07-01 | Website:
Hi Cameron
You should be seeing cicadas begin to emerge right about now. It's been unusually warm the last few days and this can speed up the emergence process. Try to look in areas with clear undergrowth and target tree trunks. Try parks and other areas that are well-maintained. I especially like cemeteries because they have well and old established trees that are years old. Try around dusk to about 10:00 pm at night. As the season wears on you can always try to spot cicadas at bright lights in parking lots and on the sides of buildings, especially on warm and humid nights.
Good luck!
Posted By: Turdfergison | On: 2014-07-01 | Website:
I scared one off of a fence post accidentally when I was walking through my yard. I can't believe they're out! I haven't seen one since though, and that was a couple of days ago. It must be very lonely. Haha.
Posted By: Cameron | On: 2014-07-06 | Website:
Thanks for the comment!! Ok so I was kinda upset Thursday night when I went searching. It was hot and humid, but I didn't find any. But luckily yesterday I was playing basketball in my backyard and I was lucky enough to hear a tibicen tibicen cicada in my neighbors tree. It's sang about four times, and it was loud. I also heard one in my other neighbors tree. But, suddenly today they're gone I don't hear any ,what happened to them? Maybe it flew away? But I don't think the annual cicadas move far from the trees?! What happened?
Posted By: Cameron | On: 2014-07-09 | Website:
Excuse me I am waiting for you to answer
Posted By: Sinead MacDughlas | On: 2014-08-24 | Website:
I have a six-year old daughter who is already a mini-Entomologist. She loves to hunt for cicadas, especially, having caught her first adult cicada when she was four-and-a-half. This year, she's found five exuvia, one freshly molted adult and one nymph. As I type this, the nymph is climbing the sticks we put in a mason jar, and Miss bug-hunter is trying not to blink while she observes it. lol
I've never seen a child with such a knack with insects. Grasshoppers allow her to hand-feed them and dragonflies to carry them around our yard. I'm amazed by her, and I don't think it's just because I'm a biased mommy.
Posted By: Sinead MacDughlas | On: 2014-08-24 | Website:
I have a six-year old daughter who is already a mini-Entomologist. She loves to hunt for cicadas, especially, having caught her first adult cicada when she was four-and-a-half. This year, she's found five exuvia, one freshly molted adult and one nymph. As I type this, the nymph is climbing the sticks we put in a mason jar, and Miss bug-hunter is trying not to blink while she observes it. lol
I've never seen a child with such a knack with insects. Grasshoppers allow her to hand-feed them and dragonflies to carry them around our yard. I'm amazed by her, and I don't think it's just because I'm a biased mommy.
Posted By: Sinead MacDughlas | On: 2014-08-24 | Website:
Sorry about the double post. >.<
I should mention that we're in Ontario, Canada. In my 44 years I'd never seen a cicada until my daughter caught the first one.
Posted By: Jennifer | On: 2014-08-24 | Website:
Congratulations!! I made a video of them to the song, Welcome to my world, and even got in under ground where they live before one dug itself out! I will have to re post that sometime! Its amazing and fun to watch these guys each year and even time lapse the photos and the enclosing process!
Posted By: Evan | On: 2014-09-01 | Website:
I hear cicadas every where at my my dad's house. I just want to know where you get the terrarium and how much it is. Thanks! =>
Posted By: Cameron | On: 2014-09-10 | Website:
We'll, what a summer I had. First I just heard cicadas in July. The same old same old then a few weeks later I went to the park and caught a few hundred cicada shells. Then to make it better I caught one female tibicen tibicen cicada already hatched in my backyard on August 24 after a rainstorm. It was a Teneral adult. Then like my summer couldn't even get any better , I found to live female and male tibicen tibicen a mating at the park where I found 100 cicada shells and I am keeping them. Not the live ones those I let go. it was an amazing summer!!!! But what I was dying to do is catch a live nymph emerging from the ground. Maybe next year. But I can't complain about the summer. I wish I could do it all over again.
Posted By: Sinead MacDughlas | On: 2014-10-18 | Website:
Our nymph underwent a successful transformation and release. Unfortunately I don't have a video camera, but I did manage to take a series of photos, which are now posted on my Facebook profile, (a public one), for all to see.
Posted By: Cameron Marietta | On: 2015-09-19 | Website:
Well I have to say, this year was an amazing year for cicadas. Almost every night I went to Homdel Park in New Jersey to search for cicadas, and I found them! Starting around July 7th I heard the first Lyricens. And I promised myself last year that as soon as I heard The first cicada call, I would go searching for nymphs. Well I did and from July 7th through August 11th, I found about 20 cicada nymphs! I brang them home and watched them hatch. It was amazing! I do regret that not all of them survived. Some did choose the wrong spot to hatch, and didn't survive, even though i didn't know that they would still be able to hatch in my hand or on the floor. I hope to do it all over again next year!!! Bye!!!
Posted By: Cameron Marietta | On: 2015-09-19 | Website:
Well I have to say, this year was an amazing year for cicadas. Almost every night I went to Homdel Park in New Jersey to search for cicadas, and I found them! Starting around July 7th I heard the first Lyricens. And I promised myself last year that as soon as I heard The first cicada call, I would go searching for nymphs. Well I did and from July 7th through August 11th, I found about 20 cicada nymphs! I brang them home and watched them hatch. It was amazing! I do regret that not all of them survived. Some did choose the wrong spot to hatch, and didn't survive, even though i didn't know that they would still be able to hatch in my hand or on the floor. I hope to do it all over again next year!!! Bye!!!
Posted By: Cameron Marietta | On: 2015-09-19 | Website:
Well I have to say, this year was an amazing year for cicadas. Almost every night I went to Homdel Park in New Jersey to search for cicadas, and I found them! Starting around July 7th I heard the first Lyricens. And I promised myself last year that as soon as I heard The first cicada call, I would go searching for nymphs. Well I did and from July 7th through August 11th, I found about 20 cicada nymphs! I brang them home and watched them hatch. It was amazing! I do regret that not all of them survived. Some did choose the wrong spot to hatch, and didn't survive, even though i didn't know that they would still be able to hatch in my hand or on the floor. I hope to do it all over again next year!!! Bye!!!
Posted By: Shooter13 | On: 2016-08-15 | Website:
I have searched all over the Internet to find information like this. I have been wanting to start cicada hunting for a while. I just think they are the coolest creature. Thank you for providing me with all the information I need to begin!!
Posted By: Jeanne James | On: 2017-07-23 | Website:
Thank you so much for your article! It was so helpful as to what I wanted to know about Cicadas. Just wanted to say Very well done!!
Posted By: preeti | On: 2018-06-15 | Website: Nil
I am from India. I live in the foothills of the Western Ghats, a global hotspot. My village is in a forested area. We have a lot of cicadas. I am interested to document them and that is how came across your website and love the efforts you put into preparing these pages. In the section how to catch cicadas, you have mentioned there are other methods also. I interested to know the other methods to sample cicadas for biodiversity studies. I have visited the pages but most of their pages are still under construction. Can you guide me to the literature on sampling cicadas for ecological studies,
Thanks again for the beautiful website.
Posted By: preeti | On: 2018-06-15 | Website: Nil
I am from India. I live in the foothills of the Western Ghats, a global hotspot. My village is in a forested area. We have a lot of cicadas. I am interested to document them and that is how came across your website and love the efforts you put into preparing these pages. In the section how to catch cicadas, you have mentioned there are other methods also. I interested to know the other methods to sample cicadas for biodiversity studies. I have visited the pages but most of their pages are still under construction. Can you guide me to the literature on sampling cicadas for ecological studies,
Thanks again for the beautiful website.
Posted By: Massachusetts Cicadas | On: 2018-06-15 | Website:
Hi Preeti,
There are several other methods to sample cicadas. Another method that we use is going to lights at night. That is to say, if it is very humid outside at night and you go around to well lighted areas like the backs of buildings and also well lighted parking lots you may be able to find cicadas under lights on the sides of buildings and on the ground on parking lots.
Another method is to set up a white sheet in your garden with a very bright light and you may attract cicadas that way. Do this at night of course. There must be a lot of trees around in order for these methods to work.
Good luck.
Posted By: Bob | On: 2018-06-24 | Website:
I wood climb the tree an climb it slow .when the bug starts to slow down his song,that's when you stop moving. then he will start up again and that is when you start moving towards him. Get him in sight, and you start movin your finger,like how you move it when you want someone to come over to the same jester to the bug and he will come.Don't make any quick movements until he is right there next to you then you nab him as fast as possible! That's how I caught my bugs when I was young!
Posted By: Gloria | On: 2018-08-06 | Website:
I have a cicada right now that found me when I wasn't even look for one. I felt something scratching my leg, looked down and saw it climbing up. I have it in a small jar now with holes in the top and a stick. It isn't very interested in latching on. It seems very put out that it is in a jar and is only scrambling around the bottom trying to get out. Should I use a bigger jar? More sticks?
Posted By: Peter McGowan | On: 2019-03-11 | Website:
Why do idiots catch these beautiful creatures and , like the idiot above, who has one in a jar and is wondering why it is "scrambling around the bottom trying to get out. . WTF is wrong with you all?
Posted By: Gloria Slater | On: 2019-03-11 | Website:
Peter McGowan, you are right. I know better than this. I am rightfully abashed.
Posted By: Michael Novio | On: 2019-03-11 | Website:
@Peter McGowan Please don't post ignorant and childish comments on here. One's reasons to catch a Cicada is none of your business. And if you do not enjoy, find interest, or value in the idea of catching a Cicada, then why are you on this page to begin with? You were one click away from being on a different page that you would've found more value and interest in.
Posted By: Sue Watts | On: 2020-06-19 | Website:
Hello, My name is Sue Watts and I am educator at the South Carolina Botanical Garden. I am working on an educational activity sheet and would like to use your tips about how to catch cicada in it, if I may. I will attribute it to you and put the link to this page. Thank you for any consideration you can give this request. All the best, Sue
Posted By: Sue Watts | On: 2020-06-19 | Website:
P.S. Thank you for a wonderfully informative site!
Posted By: Maddi | On: 2021-02-18 | Website:
I accidentally pulled a cicada out of its shell as it’s molting but I didn’t know I wasn’t supposed to and I held it with an open hand and I scared my cousins but now I feel bad cuz I realize I wasn’t supposed to pull it out 😔
Posted By: Chase | On: 2021-08-24 | Website:
Hi there! This may sound awful but I caught one not knowing what it was and wanted to feed it to my carnivorous pitcher plants. I feed them crickets, flys, or pretty much anything other than slugs since they can climb out. I used long tweezers and grabbed it by the wings (again not for specimen but for plant food) and it went CRAZY!!! It went off like a car alarm rattling, screaming, peeing. It was so docile and slow moving, didn’t seem to mind anything until I grabbed and picked it up. I think it was a new adult it was black and lime green, full set of wings. Is that normal or did it go crazy I scared it, hurt it, thought it was in a mouth, etc.? Curious if I gently picked it up, if it would have been fine or do adults do this regardless when they are no longer teneral? I did catch it quickly but don’t think I hurt it or anything. Let me know your thoughts if you can, sorry just searching to see if anyone else experienced once going crazy like this one did, perhaps to warn others or to startle predators, like me. :)