Cicada Killer Wasp Sightings Index Page
Below are all user-submitted cicada killer wasp sightings. If you believe that you have spotted a cicada killer wasp - and have a photograph, please click on the link in the right-hand navigation under the "Submit Report" section. Cicada killer wasp sightings are being solicated because they help in filling in gaps in the distribution of cicada species. Cicada killer females prey solely on cicadas and these wasps are often used to gain an idea of the types of cicada species that can be found in the general area of a cicada killer wasp burrow.
Please note that not all entries below are actual cicada killer wasps but rather other types of insects that readers thought may have been cicada killers. These mis-identifications are just as important because they help in educating you to identify actual cicada killer wasps as well as aiding in identifying what the actual insect is.
Every entry contains a comment from Massachusetts Cicadas. When you submit a sighting you can either comment back or simply return for the identification of your particular cicada killer or non-cicada kller insect.