Cicadas 101
About Cicadas 101 News Category
Ever wonder how cicadas feed? What about how to tell a male cicada from a female? In Cicadas 101, these types of subjects are discussed. From cicada biology and distribution, to behaviors and systematics. Read the individual articles and feel free to ask a question or leave a comments in the form provided below each article and enjoy.
Cicadas NOT from New England
As previously posted in an earlier update, I promised to post some close up photos of some cicadas that my friend and colleague Tim McNary sent from out west. Pretty much all of these can be found in the western part of the US so I thought it would be cool for others in the east to see what other genera of cicadas look like since we mostly have Tibicens here. Just click the thumbnails for an enlarged view.
Okanagana synodica
Species Details:
Sex: Male
Date Posted: 2007-07-22 Comments: (0)
A Comparison of O. rimosa to O. bella
Well, folks. Sorry for the delay in updates. Work has been keeping me pretty busy leaving little time for updates. If I had a choice of using my weekends to do website updates or go out in the field, guess which one wins out every time? Yep, you guessed it, going out in the field.
Back on July 14th, I went back to the Montague Plains Wildlife Management Area to see if I could snag more O. rimosa specimens but it seemed that there was little calling and what was there seemed to be greatly di
Date Posted: 2007-07-20 Comments: (0)
Some Cicadas from Kansas
Update 3/15/11: The species name of Tibicen walkeri has been officially changed to Tibicen pronotalis. This article has been edited to reflect this change.
This year was an abundant year for cicadas in Kansas. The cicadas were so plentiful that they were easy to capture because they were just sitting on the ground or under street lights and on very low branches of trees.
Thanks to Joe Tomelleri and his sons who live in Kansas, I received approximately 105 cicadas in August. It took a while t
Date Posted: 2006-09-02 Comments: (1)