Dedicated to the Study of the Cicadas of Massachusetts and New England


Cicadas 101

About Cicadas 101 News Category

Ever wonder how cicadas feed? What about how to tell a male cicada from a female? In Cicadas 101, these types of subjects are discussed. From cicada biology and distribution, to behaviors and systematics. Read the individual articles and feel free to ask a question or leave a comments in the form provided below each article and enjoy.

Cicada Nymph Mortality

Cicada nymph mortality Despite the difficulties that a cicada nymph may experience during it's juvenile developement below ground, there are still some predatory issues that a nymph faces just looking for a place to molt. The thumbnail to the right demonstrates this. As you can see, the Tibicen canicularis pictured was set upon by a colony of black ants. This was due to the Cicada being stressed during it's the process of molting and was unsuccessful in it's completion. The ants, in nature's glorious design, took the

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Date Posted: 2010-06-02 Comments: (1)

Nymph Defense Mechanisms

T. canicularis nymph playing dead Realistically one can say that a Cicada nymph has no defense mechanisms to speak of. However, I have noted some unusual behaviors in Cicada nymphs that can be characterized as weak defenses at best. Some of these defenses even carry over into adulthood. Read below: Wing Bud Flick - When handling a Cicada nymph, many times I have noticed that a nymph will flick it's wing buds when handled. This is really noticable particularly when you grasp the Cicada nymph with your thumb and index finger

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Date Posted: 2010-06-02 Comments: (0)

Cicada Molting/Eclosing Process

Cicada molt/eclose process The Cicada molt process is a long and lengthy one. Below is a detailed account of a Tibicen lyricen molt from start to finish. This was the first nymph I discovered for the 2004 season so I was keen on noticing every single detail. 10:45pm 10:09pm 11:14pm 11:19pm 10:45pm - After some initial movement to find the perfect spot, the nymph has finally settled down. I could hear "scratching&quo

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Date Posted: 2010-06-02 Comments: (16)

Cicadas Emergence Rates and Distribution

During my hunt for Cicadas, I traveled to many different areas in Massachusetts. Unfortunately, while I did find exuvia evidence at these locations, I generally focused my efforts on Saint Patrick Cemetery in Lowell, Massachusetts. After all, you stick to where you have been successful in finding specimens. All the Cicada specimens that I refer to will be from this cemetery. Update: The data compiled for this article is from 2004 and may no longer be relevant. "When and How Much? - T

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Date Posted: 2010-06-02 Comments: (0)

Cicada Deformities

Noted Cicada Deformities While the deformities that we will be discussing are not limited to Tibicen cicadas (as cicadas of other genera and species are also affected by deformites of one kind or another) we will only be focusing on the deformities of the cicadas that I have been able to study here in Massachusetts namely Tibicen lyricen and Tibicen canicularis. The molting process in cicadas for some unknown reason can go horribly wrong. The reason for this has not yet been determined but there are theories that are b

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Date Posted: 2010-06-01 Comments: (8)

Latest Sightings

Submit Report

Did you spot an annual cicada or a cicada killer wasp? If you did and you have a photo and want to report it, please click the link below.

Brood I Information

The Brood I periodical cicada emergence happened in 2012 in Virginia, W. Virginia and Tennessee. Below are some of the highlights.

Brood XIX Information

The Brood XIX periodical cicada emergence has come and gone. Below is some information that you may find helpful.