Dedicated to the Study of the Cicadas of Massachusetts and New England


Latest Cicada News

Two Tibicens Taken from Cicada Killers

Female Cicada Killer Hey All, here's another update for you. A lot has happened over the last several days since my last update. I decided to break these down as they happened. So, Let the fun begin. The reader submissions have just about doubled so more of those will be put on the Cicada and Cicada Killer Sightings page. Two Tibicen lyricens Taken from Cicada Killers - August 2nd 2006 Like last year, I have been periodically visiting the Pine Grove Cemetery in Westford, Ma to check on the status of the Cicada Ki

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Date Posted: 2006-08-02 Comments: (0) Category: Cicada General Info

Various Cicada Stuff

Cicada mesh container. Hey all, sorry for the delay in updates but the regular job has been keeping me busy. My free time has been very limited as of late because of it but "baby needs a new pair of shoes" as the 'ole saying goes. So I have to choose between going out in the field in my spare time or doing web site updates. Guess which looses out? Yep, you guessed it doing the web site updates. I'd rather spend the time in the field. As long as I take good notes, I can get the updates done whenever I c

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Date Posted: 2006-07-29 Comments: (0) Category: Cicada General Info

Lots of Cicada Stuff to Report

Tibicen lyricen female Update 3/20/11: - Since the writing of this article, the name for the cicada known as Tibicen chloromera has been changed to Tibicen tibicen. This article has been edited to reflect that change. Sorry for the delay in writing some new stuff. I was away for several days during the beginning of the week on vacation. Then I had to get back to the ole 9 - 5 grind. So a lot of stuff has happened so let's get to it shall we?? Fun, Sun and Research In Hot And Steamy West Virginia! Man I had

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Date Posted: 2006-07-22 Comments: (0) Category: Cicada General Info

Tibicen canicularis Male Up Close

T. canicularis Male cicada Remember that Tibicen canicularis nymph I discovered on the 7th of July in Pine Crest Cemetery? You remember if you've been reading that that was the evening when the cops were called cuz the neighbor thought they saw a ghost in the cemetery. Well, its all grow'd up now. Take a look. From left to right we have a nice dorsal view, a closeup view of the head which includes the compound eyes, eye stalks, clypeus, labrum and of course the antennae, finally a nice lateral

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Date Posted: 2006-07-13 Comments: (0) Category: Cicada General Info

A Nice Trip to Connecticut for Cicadas

Cicada nymph shell Update 3/21/11: The species formerly known as Tibicen chloromera has been changed to Tibicen tibicen. This article has been edited to reflect that change. Hey all, I went to Connecticut today to see what there is to see regarding Cicadas in Connecticut. With the exception of hearing T. canicularis in some locations there really was nothing to report. Well, there is something. I did hear the call of T. chloromera Tibicen tibicen once at Elm Grove Cemtery which is where I was hearing them l

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Date Posted: 2006-07-09 Comments: (0) Category: Cicada Missions

How to Tell Gender of Exuvia

Tibicen canicularis nymph shell Hey all, I don't know if you remember this from last year, but I thought it was important to go over something. Whenever you find an Exuvia (cast-off skin) from a cicada. You can tell if it was a male or a female cicada. Here's how: Determining Males A cicada exuvium's abdomen is divided into dorsal and ventral sections. The ventral sections of the abdomen are known as "sternites". There are 9 total sternites on Cicada nymph skins. At the very tip (9th sternite) you can make out a "bulbo

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Date Posted: 2006-07-08 Comments: (0) Category: Cicada General Info

First Tibicen lyricen Heard in Westford!

Tibicen canicularis adult female While out this evening after work looking for Cicadas I heard the call of a Tibicen lyricen at Fairview cemetery. Time was 6:04 pm! It called twice then all was silent. I did find several exuvia on some old well established maple trees. They were a mixture of T. lyricen and T. canicularis. 2 male and 2 female. The injured T. canicularis Female from July 4th. Below are a few closeup jots of the T. canicularis female that I damaged on July 4th. I gotta tell you I really love my ne

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Date Posted: 2006-07-06 Comments: (0) Category: Cicada General Info

Still no Cicada Killers at Pine Grove

Cicada shell I decided to head out immediately after work today in my "good clothese" to see what there is to see with my new cool camera. I decided to head on over to Pine Grove Cemetery in Westford to see if the Cicada Killers have emerged yet. NOTHING! I'm getting pretty bummed out from the lack of Cicada Killers. Maybe the season is still too early here for them. I have been getting reports that they have been out since June in other parts of the country. I wonder if the grounds-keeper here h

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Date Posted: 2006-07-05 Comments: (0) Category: Cicada General Info

First Cicada Nymph of the Season!

Tibicen canicularis nymph Well, like clockwork, just like last year, I found my first nymph of the season this year. Unfortunately, this year, there was a little mishap. This nymph was about nine feet up on a pine tree out of my reach. But I still wanted it because it hadn't molted yet. I found a nearby branch and tried to coax the nymph onto the branch but unfortunately, instead of going on the branch it ended up falling with a rather disheartening "thump" onto the hard dirt. I picked it up to examine it, and

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Date Posted: 2006-07-04 Comments: (0) Category: Cicada General Info

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Submit Report

Did you spot an annual cicada or a cicada killer wasp? If you did and you have a photo and want to report it, please click the link below.

Brood I Information

The Brood I periodical cicada emergence happened in 2012 in Virginia, W. Virginia and Tennessee. Below are some of the highlights.

Brood XIX Information

The Brood XIX periodical cicada emergence has come and gone. Below is some information that you may find helpful.