Dedicated to the Study of the Cicadas of Massachusetts and New England


Latest Cicada News

Brood XIII 2007 - Tons of Fun!

Brood XIII 2007 Tons of Fun Hi everyone, sorry I'm so late with the updates but there has been so much stuff going on that at the end of each day, I'm too tired to write anything. But I know that I am only making things worse for myself, because the longer I wait with the updates the more difficult it will be to get them done because I will fall farther and farther behind. Not to mention all the data and photos need to be arranged in such a way that makes sense for you. Suffice it to say, tons of interesting work is going

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Date Posted: 2007-06-02 Comments: (0) Category: Cicada Missions

Brood XIII Found in Indiana!

Brood XIII Found in Indiana! Well, it took quite a while and I had to go a long way "off the beatin' path" as it were but I did manage to have some success in finding Brood XIII in Indiana. I'm sorry but there are only 3 positive records, for some reason, time was of the essence so I really didn't note negative data points but I should have!! I stopped at a ton of places but neglected to record the negatives and I only got three positive sightings for Indiana. I found a small park many miles outside Valparaiso,

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Date Posted: 2007-06-01 Comments: (0) Category: Cicada Missions

No Brood XIII Magicicadas In Southern Michigan.

Well, it looks like Thomas Moore was right. I woke up this morning at 6:30 am with every intention of proving him wrong. I mean surely there has to be at least a small patch of Brood XIII magicicadas in Southern Michigan right? Alas that's a big fat NO! people. After searching high and low all along Michigan's Southern Route 12 heading west towards Illinois, I was unsuccessful in finding a single sign of Brood XIII in Michigan. I mean, no mud chimneys, no exuvia, no nymphs, no calling NOTHING!!

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Date Posted: 2007-05-31 Comments: (0) Category: Cicada Missions

Brood XIII Arrived in Indiana Today

Well I'm finally here in the mid-west for the Brood XIII Magicicada distribution mapping. I'm here helping out the folks at UC Storrs Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology. I have decided to take it upon myself to try to find the eastern-most edge of Brood XIII's distribution range. Older records would seem to indicate that Brood XIII's range stretches along the southern border of Indiana and Michigan as far east as Sturgis, MI. It would seem that this article has some folks u

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Date Posted: 2007-05-30 Comments: (0) Category: Cicada Missions

More Early Signs of Magicicada

Magicicada mud chimneys After the show today, I decided to have a quick drive to a place known as White Glenn Forest Preserve. It isn't far from the hotel. Today was very dreary and cold. It was drizzling outside but I ventured in the woods anyway. I find several mud turrets under logs and on some grassy areas. Definitely early signs of the emergence to come.

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Date Posted: 2007-05-16 Comments: (0) Category: Cicada Missions

Brood XIII Magicicada Nymphs Found!

Magicicada Nymph Being here in Chicago attending a trade show doesn't leave a whole lot of time to go out to look for signs of the upcoming Brood XIII Magicicada emergence. Staying here in Willowbrook and driving approximately an hour both ways to and from downtown Chicago makes for a very long day. It should be mentioned that I'm not that far from downtown Chicago, it's the horrendous traffic on I55 in the morning and the evening that's the killer. Funny thing is, you figure the closer you get to downtown C

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Date Posted: 2007-05-15 Comments: (0) Category: Cicada Missions

Brood XIII 2007 Early Emergence

Brood XIII 2007 Magicicada Early Emergence Well, as previously posted, I'm finally sitting here in my hotel room on a late Sunday evening. I wanted to go out as soon as I arrived at Chicago's Midway Airport (which landed at 4:50 pm) to have a look around but unfortunately, I'm here to attend the American Association of Museum's Trade Show so my search for early Cicada emergences will have to be put on hold. The job comes first and cicadas will have to come second for now. When we landed, there was a bit of a mix-up at Dollar Rent-A-Car

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Date Posted: 2007-05-13 Comments: (0) Category: Cicada Missions

Brood XIII 2007 Magicicadas

After a two year break from the absence of periodical cicada emergences anywhere in the United States, and this being my official fourth year studying cicadas (A lot has happened since 2004), I am happy to report that this year will be the year for Brood XIII! I have learned a lot from my first experience with Periodical Cicadas. So much so, that I have made a gaggle of new friends both personal and professional all involving this amazing insect. Distribution Mapping of Brood X

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Date Posted: 2007-05-12 Comments: (0) Category: Cicada Missions

Welcome to Another cicada season.

Magicicada nymph mud chimneys. That's right, this year (2007) I'll be starting up with the regular updates to this web site. I'm starting early this year because it is the year of Brood XIII Magicicadas (Periodical Cicadas) which will be happening in the mid-west. So, if you are from Iowa, Illinois, Indiana, Michigan or Wisconsin, be sure to write in and give us some reports. Last year I set up a Cicada and Cicada Killer sightings page for people to report their sightings. It has been a great success and I expect a greater nu

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Date Posted: 2007-04-30 Comments: (0) Category: Cicada General Info

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Did you spot an annual cicada or a cicada killer wasp? If you did and you have a photo and want to report it, please click the link below.

Brood I Information

The Brood I periodical cicada emergence happened in 2012 in Virginia, W. Virginia and Tennessee. Below are some of the highlights.

Brood XIX Information

The Brood XIX periodical cicada emergence has come and gone. Below is some information that you may find helpful.