Dedicated to the Study of the Cicadas of Massachusetts and New England


Latest Cicada News

Reports of Cicadas Emerging in the US

Below is a list of first reports that have been posted to Massachusetts Cicadas' Entomology-Cicadidae group from around the United State: June 12, Wake Co. N. Carolina Tibicen tibicen, Tibicen robinsonianus, Tibicen lyricen, Neocicada heiroglyphica Central Mississippi Neocicada heiroglyphica - May 24 Tibicen tibicen - June 1 Tibicen pruinosus - June 9 Washington Co. Arkansas Tibicen robinsonianus - June 6

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Date Posted: 2009-06-23 Comments: (0) Category: Cicada General Info

Wettest June on Record for Okanagana

Wettest June on Record for Okanagana cicadas This has to be the coldest and wettest June that I have ever experienced here in the Northeast. The week of June 7 - June 12 temperatures were in the 50's and it was also rainy. Despite this, on Saturday June 13th I headed back to my favorite spots in Montague, MA to hunt for more Okanagana. It was very sunny that Saturday and temps were in the mid 70's but still the Okanagana were not calling that day. I spent a good part of the day there and while I heard maybe one or two Okanagana the entire

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Date Posted: 2009-06-20 Comments: (0) Category: Cicada General Info

The 2009 Cicada Season Has Arrived!

Okanagana rimosa Hey folks. I sincerely apologize for not putting up many posts last year. As you may or may not know, last year was a key year here in Massachusetts as far as cicadas go. Last year was the scheduled appearance of the Brood XIV 17 year periodical cicadas. You can read more on Brood XIV by clicking here or go to the Missions section for more information posted last year on this unique phenomenon. Suffice it to say I was very busy studying these cicadas and much of my time was spent out i

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Date Posted: 2009-06-06 Comments: (0) Category: Cicada General Info

Brood XIV Periodical Cicadas at Peak on Cape Cod

White eyed periodical cicada Hey everyone. I just got back from the Cape today and if you plan on visiting Cape Cod to experience the Cicadas now is the time. I spent a part of the day in Northwest Sandwich adding data points to the Massachusetts distribution map. Notice anything strange with the below image? Look closely there are differences that should be apparent compared to your normal garden-variety female M. septendecim. If you haven't noticed, let me tell you. This Magicicada has white eyes. Also, see the costa

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Date Posted: 2008-06-18 Comments: (0) Category: Cicada Projects

Brood XIV on Cape Cod in Full Swing!

Brood XIV on Cape Cod in Full Swing! Hey folks. This past Friday the 13th I was on the Cape again to do more distribution mapping. There are still tons of areas on the Cape that need to be covered so if you are willing to help out I'd sure appreciate it. Thanks to all who have reported the presence of Brood XIV or lack-thereof in their neighborhoods. Yes, the Distribution Maps have been updated again but more on that later. By the way a special thank you goes out to my friends Kevin, Lisa and Fred for helping out and providing

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Date Posted: 2008-06-17 Comments: (0) Category: Cicada Missions

Brood XIV Plymouth County Survey Work

Aggregation of M. septendecims Cape Cod As of today, I have received no reports of Magicicada in Plymouth County. So, to that end, I decided that I would spend the day there chasing down old records. The University of Connecticut at Storrs collected data from published papers back in 1923 that indicated that Brood XIV could be found in a few spots. I visited those spots today. They were Cook's Pond, Chiltonville, Plymouth and Manomet but I found no signs. I also spent a good part of the day surveying the Myles Standish State Forest wh

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Date Posted: 2008-06-14 Comments: (0) Category: Cicada Missions

Friday the 13th on Cape Cod

Doggy Treats Well, here it is Friday the 13th and I'm back on the Cape to do more Distribution Mapping. I drove over the Bourne Bridge and decided to stop at Monument Beach in Bourne to see what there was to see. I am also here to meet up with Doug Fraser, a reporter from the Cape Cod Times. He saw an article that I was in from the Boston Globe and wanted to talk to me about the cicadas. I'm not scheduled to meet up with him till about 9:30 am. So this afforded me some time to get some serious mapping

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Date Posted: 2008-06-13 Comments: (0) Category: Cicada Missions

Brood XIV Periodical Cicadas Latest Stuff

Deformed Magicicada Hi Folks, I apologize for the lack of updates. So I thought I'd head this update with a little bit of cicada humor. I've just been totally busy with the whole Brood XIV event. It looks like Cape Cod is now in full swing regarding the emergence. You can look for the emergence to start to wind down over the next couple of weeks. I would suggest you go out and experience it while you still can because they won't be around again for another 17 years. Distribution Maps have been updated.

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Date Posted: 2008-06-11 Comments: (0) Category: Cicada Missions

Brood XIV Survey Continues on Cape Cod

Brood XIV Slideshow Today was another productive day on Cape Cod. I arrived in the Mashpee area on Park Road and my friend Lisa had 10 Magicicada tenerals waiting for me. We spent several hours today walking around her neighborhood noting where Magicicadas were emerging. I managed to snap a ton of photos. Rather than posting individual thumbnail links to larger photos for you to click on, I decided to put a slideshow together. Click the thumbnail below to launch the show. It's approximately 2 minutes and 55 second

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Date Posted: 2008-05-31 Comments: (0) Category: Cicada Missions

Random Cicada Video

Submit Report

Did you spot an annual cicada or a cicada killer wasp? If you did and you have a photo and want to report it, please click the link below.

Brood I Information

The Brood I periodical cicada emergence happened in 2012 in Virginia, W. Virginia and Tennessee. Below are some of the highlights.

Brood XIX Information

The Brood XIX periodical cicada emergence has come and gone. Below is some information that you may find helpful.