Dedicated to the Study of the Cicadas of Massachusetts and New England


Okanagana rimosa in New England

News Category: Cicada Projects

Okanagana rimosa in New England

Hunt for Okanagana in New England

If you live in Massachusetts or anywhere in New England and have seen Okanagana rimosa or Okanagana canadensis it would be appreciated if you could drop an email. Since I am anxious to find live specimens of this species for study. Their discarded exuvia (nymph shells) look like the below images:

Click the images for a closer look. Sorry for the poor quality but hopefully you can make out the prominent black bands. This is how you can tell the difference between Okanagana cicada exuvia and your plain old garden variety Tibicen nymph shell as the Tibicen shells have no black bands, have a prominant curve to their backs and generally run larger.

If you suspect you have seen these types of exuvia anywhere in New England or other areas of the United States, please contact us by clicking the Contact link above and filling in the online form.

UPDATE: June 30th, 2007 - After Four Years of Searching, Okanagana rimosa Finally Found in Massachusetts!

A live Okanagana rimosa specimen was captured in 2007 at the Montague Plains WMA in Montague, MA. To read more about this event, please click here.

Date Posted: 2005-06-20 Comments: (1) Show CommentsHide Comments


Posted By: Joe Cavanaugh | On: 2016-08-18 | Website:


I work in the Mashpee Comomons in Mashpee on Cape Cod. Today, I was surprised to find what appeared to be a cidada that had just molted on the tire of my car. The shell and newly hatched cidada were right next to each other, clinging to my wheel. If you go to, and enter the terms "Cicada" "Mashpee" and "2016" into the search box, you will see some images. Or send my your email address and I will email links to the photos. The traditional Cape Cod cicadas are not due to return for another 9 years. I'm guessing this one might be a different sub-species, which might explain its slightly different coloration from the ones I observed 8 years ago. Thanks.

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