Cicada and Cicada Killer Sightings
About the Sightings Section
This section contains user-submitted cicada and cicada killer sightings information. The section is divided into two categories, "Cicadas" and "Cicada Killers". Below is a brief synopsis on a particular sighting ordered by most recent sighting first. Clicking on the thumbnail or sighting location link will transport you to detailed information.
Why Cicada and Cicada Killer Sightings are Wanted
Cicada and Cicada Killer sightings are being solicated because they help in filling in gaps in the distribution of cicadas and cicada killer species. The information obtained is added to our distribution maps and is shared with other researchers from around the world. With the creation of the internet and its connectivity, it allows us to cover great geographic distances without the need for travel. If you would like to report a cicada or cicada killer sighting please follow the link under the Submit a Report section in the right-hand column menu list.