Dedicated to the Study of the Cicadas of Massachusetts and New England


Cicada Killer and Prey from Riverside, RI

Sightings Category: Cicada Killers

Cicada Killer and Prey from Riverside, RI

my neighbor and I heard a loud buzzing noise, We looked over and say this cicada killer carrying a cicada from the hood of his truck to the edge of the driveway. The killer flew away and left the dead cicada on the ground. We looked but never saw it return. The cicada measured 2" long from end of wings to end of head, if that helps you scale the killer in the picture. If I can help you with any other info I would be glad to help. These creatures are fascinating.

Date Posted: 2011-07-24 Comments: (1) Show Comments Hide Comments


Posted By: Massachusetts Cicadas | On: 2011-07-24 | Website:

Hi Brian,

It is always good to get photos of cicada killers with their cicada prey. I can tell you that the species of cicada looks to be a Tibicen lyricen female. I agree too that cicada killers are quite fascinating and are fun to watch. Especially when the female misses the mark when trying to get the cicada into the burrow and the struggle that ensues trying to get it there. Thanks for sharing your photos and allowing us to add this to our database.

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Brood XIX Information

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