Dedicated to the Study of the Cicadas of Massachusetts and New England


Cicada Killers from Algonquin, IL

Sightings Category: Cicada Killers

Cicada Killers from Algonquin, IL

This insect was enormous. At least 3" long and emerging from its hole. I thought a mole or rabbit had dug the whole in my garden, will try to attach an image of the hole

Date Posted: 2009-08-02 Comments: (7) Show Comments Hide Comments


Posted By: Massachusetts Cicadas | On: 2010-12-05 | Website:

Hi Karla,

Thanks for the image. Unfortunately it looks like it is the image of the hole. Do you have a photo of the insect? If you took that photo with your Iphone, it came out quite well.

Posted By: Karla | On: 2010-12-05 | Website:


I sent another one a bit later - a better pix of the hole and one of the insect. In case it didn't come through, here it is again and I minimized to make sure you get it. Also, although this one is big, it is not the same one I saw in the early morning. My neighbor also saw one in his yard earlier this week.

This hole picture will give you a better idea of the size - you can use the bricks on my sidewalk as comparison. Hopefully, the leaves will help with the size of the wasp.

Posted By: Massachusetts Cicadas | On: 2010-12-05 | Website:

Hi Karla

Thanks for the photo, yes that is definitely a cicada killer but I don't think that the cicada killer's burrow is where that big round hole is but rather do you see the pile of dirt that has a long indent in it at the top? If you follow that indent to where it disappears below the shrubbery the burrow entrance is there.

I wouldn't worry about the cicada killer female. They are really quite harmless.

If you have the time and patience maybe you can wait to see what kind of cicada the female cicada killer brings in. It may take some time though at least over an hour.

I actually use cicada killer females to go out and hunt for cicadas then bring them back to their burrows. When they arrive, I steal the cicadas from them. It doesn't bother them too much though, because they usually go out and get another one.

Posted By: Karla | On: 2010-12-05 | Website:

It did bring back a cicada - quite fascinating! When I first saw it, it was trying to pull a small rock out of that hole. The hole appeared overnight and is about 10 feet from our back door. It was not there Saturday but appeared overnight. At first, I thought a mole or rabbit had dug it because it was so large.

A couple of years back, we had our 17 year locus infestation here and am thinking that is why we now have these wasps - I am 55 and have never seen them in this area. Have lived in northern IL all of my life.

I will keep watching and see what I find - too bad I couldn't capture the one with the cicada, I tried. My iphone really does take a great picture!

Posted By: Karla | On: 2010-12-05 | Website:

Hi Gerry,

Here are some pix from this morning. Maybe in Massachusetts the cicada killers make cute little 1/2 circles. Here they make big mounds. She is busy clearing out another hole. I now have about 6 different mounds - my husband covered the first one.

Posted By: Massachusetts Cicadas | On: 2010-12-05 | Website:

Hi Karla
Thanks for the photo. Are you sure that is the same female? Maybe you have more than one female at your location.

Typically, females dig one burrow entrance and have multiple chambers that branch off under ground but I suppose if space is limited, then anything's possible.

If I were you I would sit out there and see what kinds of cicadas she brings in. This part does take patience but it will pay off. You can even steal the paralyzed cicadas away from her. She'll just go and get another one.

Posted By: Karla | On: 2010-12-05 | Website:

Hi Gerry,

I think I have 3 females - last Sunday, the first one did bring back a cicada. All I can tell you is that it was green.

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