Dedicated to the Study of the Cicadas of Massachusetts and New England


Cicada Killer Wasp in Nashua, NH

Sightings Category: Cicada Killers

Cicada Killer Wasp in Nashua, NH

Back around 8-12-2011, while hummingbird watching in my backyard, I thought I saw a small hummingbird land in the grass. When I went to see what it was, it turned out to be this rather large wasp I'd never seen before...since Aug, I've seen it almost daily, coming n going from it "den"...which has now turned into 2 dens...

Please let me know if you'd like more pics some from nightime, when "she" was excavating her new (2nd)den just the other day (9-5-2011)

Date Posted: 2011-09-05 Comments: (4) Show Comments Hide Comments


Posted By: Jimmy Wu | On: 2011-09-10 | Website:

I guess I will jump the gun before Gerry and tell you that it is a cicada killer wasp. They hunt cicadas usually of the Tibicen genus and drag them into a "den" the female made, then she will lay an egg on the paralyzed cicada and the larvae will feed on the cicada.

Posted By: Kim Cobble | On: 2015-09-03 | Website:

Seen a cicada killer wasp in my yard. By the time I got back outside to take a pic it was gone. Jacksonville Fl 2015 september 3rd

Posted By: Kim Cobble | On: 2015-09-03 | Website:

Seen a cicada killer wasp in my yard. By the time I got back outside to take a pic it was gone. Jacksonville Fl 2015 september 3rd

Posted By: clinton nagle | On: 2017-07-23 | Website:

I found this nasty big ass wasp flying around my house I caught it by hitting it with a flyswatter I put it in a jar so I can see it better it's a lot pissed off at me what the hell is it and what can it do to you if it gets a hold of you

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All Cicada Killer Sightings

Cicada Killer Sightings 2013

Cicada Killer Sightings 2012

Cicada Killer Sightings 2011

Cicada Killer Sightings 2010

Cicada Killer Sightings 2009

Cicada Killer Sightings 2008

Cicada Killer Sightings 2007

Cicada Killer Sightings 2006

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Brood I Information

The Brood I periodical cicada emergence happened in 2012 in Virginia, W. Virginia and Tennessee. Below are some of the highlights.

Brood XIX Information

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