Dedicated to the Study of the Cicadas of Massachusetts and New England


Cicada Sighting from Tewksbury, MA

Sightings Category: Cicadas

Cicada Sighting from Tewksbury, MA

Attached is a pict of the green bug I was talking to you about. he is actually .5" long and a buddy ofhis was .75"

Date Posted: 2008-07-19 Comments: (1) Show Comments Hide Comments


Posted By: Massachusetts Cicadas | On: 2010-12-16 | Website:

Hi Laura,

Thanks for the photo. Unfortunately and as I suspected, this isn't a cicada but rather a leafhopper. Of which species, I am uncertain as there are many many species of leaf hoppers in the United States.

They are similar to cicadas in that they fold their wings "roof-like" over their bodies and have sucking mouth parts. It is because of these characteristics that both cicadas and leafhoppers are in the same sub-order known as "Hemiptera".

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Brood I Information

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Brood XIX Information

The Brood XIX periodical cicada emergence has come and gone. Below is some information that you may find helpful.