Dedicated to the Study of the Cicadas of Massachusetts and New England


Tibicen and Magicicada Exuvia Blue Springs, MO

Sightings Category: Cicadas

Tibicen and Magicicada Exuvia Blue Springs, MO

Here are some pic's if you would like to add them to your site. My son's decided to have a cicada shell hunt this morning and they went all out. They found a bunch of old brood XIX and some recent Tibicen exuvia in our backyard. I now have my new camera set up to take some great nightime macro shots. I had several I could have gotten pic's of last night but didn't have my camera with me. I will send them to you when I get more and you are welcome to post them on your site.



Date Posted: 2011-07-05 Comments: (1) Show Comments Hide Comments

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Brood I Information

The Brood I periodical cicada emergence happened in 2012 in Virginia, W. Virginia and Tennessee. Below are some of the highlights.

Brood XIX Information

The Brood XIX periodical cicada emergence has come and gone. Below is some information that you may find helpful.