Dedicated to the Study of the Cicadas of Massachusetts and New England


Tibicen australis in Alva, FL.

Sightings Category: Cicadas

Tibicen australis in Alva, FL.

This cicada female is resting and feeding on a Cypruss tree near the waters edge of the Caloosahatchee river regional park. The first Tibicen of the year and species is T. tibicen australis. They have a similar call like T. chloromerus but there is a difference when played back next to each other.

Date Posted: 2012-05-06 Comments: (1) Show Comments Hide Comments


Posted By: Massachusetts Cicadas | On: 2012-05-15 | Website:

Hi Joe,

Thanks for the very cool photo of a Tibicen australis female. There are subtle differences between this species and the previously mentioned Tibicen tibicen. (Formerly Tibicen chloromerus). If you notice, T. australis has a distinct green color pattern on the pronotal collar and the two pruinose spots at the base of the abdomen are exceedingly larger than female T. tibicen counterparts.

Because of these differences and the slight difference in the calling songs of the males, and differences in dna, this cicada has been determined to be its own unique species. Thanks very much for sharing your images. We always interested in distribution records from Florida.

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